Bulletin Board
Globalization and Development
International Joint Research Projects
[ Phase III ]
(Last Updated: July 5, 2015)
Cherry Trees: Japanese National Trees (Cherry Blossoms in early April on Nagoya University Campus)
Welcome to the Globalization and Development Research Project BB ! Phase II of Globalization and Development International Joint Research Project have been completed and the Project Books will be publized from Routledge in August-September 2015. Phase III of Globalization and Development International Joint Research Project have been approved by the Japan Society of Promoting Sicences (JSPS) with another Class A research funding for the period of 2015-2019. With the start of this new phase, this project BB will be updated and utilized for the Globalization and Development Phase III (2015-2019). Designing Integrated Industrial Policies for Pro-Poor Growth under Globalization:
Let me thank you, in advance, for your continued support for this project. Please kindly visit this BB periodically. Best, July 2015 |
July 5, 2015 | Phase III (2015-2019) of the 'Globalization and Development' Research Project is Initiated!! Phase III Research Theme: ”Designing Integrated Industrial Policies for Pro-Poor Growth under Globalization:
Research Proposals 1) Original Proposal/Application for the JSPS Research Funding (November 2014; in Japanese; in PDF) 2) Japanese Research Proposal (July 2015: in Japanese; in MS Word) 3) English Research Proposal (July 2015: in English; in MS Word) We will have a Kick-off meeting with project's core members who reside in Japan on July 21, 2015 at Nagoya University. Paricipants to this Kick-off meeting are requested to read the Project Research Proposal carefully and prepare/present your own Research Proposal (which will be posted on this Project Bulletin Board) in connection to this internatioal joint research on Integrated Industrial Policies for Pro-Poor Growth under Globalization. Your ideas and initiatives will be most highly appreciated. I look forward to seeing you (core members in Japan) all in Nagoya on July 21, 2015. With my best wishes .... Shigeru T. OTSUBO, Coodinator for this JSPS International Joint Research Project, Phase III
July 4, 2015 | Phase II (2010-2015) of the 'Globalization and Development' International Joint Research Project has been completed. Phase II Rsearch Theme: "Controlling the Impact of Globalization Project Books of Phase II (2010-2015) will be publised from Routledge during August-September, 2015!! GLOBALIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Routledge Book Site
With my best wishes .... Shigeru T. OTSUBO, Coodinator for this JSPS International Joint Research Project, Phase II |
Project Mailing Lists (MLs) ......... [ To Be Created/Updated for Phase III ]
Please make the most of the following project Mailing Lists Globalization_Kaken_Book_Contributors@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp Globalization_Research_All@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp Globalization_Research_Secretariat@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp Globalization_Research_GSID@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp Globalization_Research_Overseas@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp Globalization_Research_Bhutan@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp Globalization_Research_China@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp Globalization_Research_Ghana@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp Globalization_Research_Indonesia@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp Globalization_Research_Thailand@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp Globalization_Research_Vietnam@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp
These MLs are accessible only by the participating members of this project. If you wish to register additional/other EM addresses (other than those listed below), please kindly inform me so.
Collaborating Members from Other Countries ......... [ To Be dated for Phase III ]
This section is provided for you to get in touch with participating researchers/policymakers from other coutries. ***** Click researcher's EM address to get in touch with him/her by EMs! ***** ***** Click researcher's CV/HP to know his/her background and research fields! ***** ***** Click researcher's RP to know his/her research activities in this project! ***** I wish you to send me your CV and/or HP URL, and research proposals (as you update them) so that I can upload them here. (As you know, this BB is passward-protected.) Send documents to Shigeru Otsubo (project leader) and Yuko Takahashi (Project's Administrative Assistant). Thank you for your kind cooperation! E-mail: sotsubo@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp
[Currently showing participants/collaborators for Phase II. To be updated for Phase III.] |
1) Bhutan (Leader: Dasho Karma Ura, President of the Centre for Bhutan Studies) Researcher Mr. Sangay Chophel ; schophel@gamil.com; CV;RP
2) China (Leader: Professor Zhang Hong, Vice Dean of the School of International Economy and Trade, Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade) Professor Wang Ming; wm.oumei@gmail.com; CV1, CV2; RP The major topics to be studied are the following: fast widening gap due to economic integration, transfer of resources between agriculture and industry, relative price measures (agricultural/industry terms of trade), migrant farm laborer (NongMinGong) system and family registration (Hukou) system, the legal system reform (competition laws, labor laws, etc.), and the changing social architecture/institutions under globalization. Project ML Globalization_Research_China@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp contains all the above EM addresses, Project Leader's EM address, and project RA's (China desk at the Secretariat) EM address.
3) Ghana (Leader: Senior Lecturer Fritz A. Gockel, Head of the Department of Economics, University of Ghana) Department of Economics, University of Ghana Draft Research Proposal (RP) of the Ghanaian Team The major subjects to be studied are: the investment boom that attributed to the Diaspora remittance under low saving rates, the reasons for success and failure in fostering the palm oil, cacao, and apparel industries through the special presidential initiatives (SPIs), and the growing competition with the Chinese imports. As the country that represents the African case, the research agenda, which are related to the factors that determine the impact on the PGI-triangle of development with globalization will be further identified by the local researchers. Africa-Asia comparisons of factors, policies, and institutions will be jointly explored. Project ML Globalization_Research_Ghana@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp contains all the above EM addresses and Project Leader's EM address.
4) Indonesia (Leader: Professor Arianto Patunru, Head of the Institute for Economic and Social Research, University of Indonesia) LPEM-FEUI The above researchers are engaged in studies on the socioeconomic impact of the economic integration of ASEAN plus 3 including poverty and gap. Professor Mohamad Iksan, economic advisor to the Office of the Vice President of Indonesia, will be the focal point of connection between the research team and the government of Indonesia. Project ML Globalization_Research_Indonesia@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp contains all the above EM addresses, Project Leader's EM address, and project RA's (Indonesia desk at the Secretariat) EM address.
5) Thailand (Leader: Professor, Teerana Bhongmakapat, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University) Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University The major issues to be examined include: Asian growth model and income disparity, the expansion of regional disparity, policy gaps between agriculture and industry, and urban and rural areas (such as trade policies and rural-urban resource transfers), and the aging and immigrant labor market. The concept/role of the ‘self-sufficient’ economy/society in Thai development will be explored in the context of globalization and the P-G-I triangle. Project ML Globalization_Research_Thailand@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp contains all the above EM addresses, Project Leader's EM address, and project RA's (Thailand desk at the Secretariat) EM address.
6) Vietnam (Leader: Professor Nguyen Tien Dung, College of Economics, Vietnam National University) Professor Nguyen Tien Dung; ngtiendung69@yahoo.com; CV; RP Project ML Globalization_Research_Vietnam@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp contains all the above EM addresses, Project Leader's EM address, and project RA's (Vietnam desk at the Secretariat) EM address.
Project Secretariat at GSID, Nagoya University, JAPAN |
Head of the Secretariat: Shigeru T. OTSUBO (Project Leader)
Project Administrative Assistant to the Head:
Research Assistants at the Project Secretariat: Mr. Issifu IBRAHIM Mr. Sai Seng Sai
Post Doctoral Fellow: Dr. Christian OTCHIA
E-mail: sotsubo@gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp |