Nagoya University Graduare School of International Development Library

Searching for statistics

This section introduces useful web tools for searching for statistics.

NUDBContract database by Nagoya University. Authentication with THERS account is required.
DBFree database, materials. It is available online anywhere.

    Searching for statistics


  1. DBe-Stat
  2. You can collectively search and use statistical data, release schedules, new information, questionnaire item information, etc. published by each ministry and agency in Japan.

  3. DBStastics Bureau of Japan
  4. The site of the Statistics Bureau of Japan, which plans and implements various statistical surveys related to the national census and other basics of country conditions.


  5. DBLinks to Statistical Agencies
  6. Links to statistics agencies of foreign governments created by the Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

  7. DBFAO Statistics
  8. Statistical database on the world's food, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries industries provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

  9. DBGlobal Health Observatory Data Repository
  10. The World Health Organization (WHO)'s database of health-related statistics for its 194 Member States. It provides access to over 1000 health topic indicators.

  12. The International Labor Organization (ILO) provides a comprehensive database of labor statistics. More than 100 labor market indicators are available for 230 countries and regions around the world, including economically active population, employment, wages, working hours, and labor supervision.

  14. Statistical database provided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on monetary and government finances of member countries, etc.

  15. NUDBOECD Statistics
  16. Part of the online library of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the statistics are available from 1960 to the most recent year.

  17. DBStatistical Database System
  18. This database contains macroeconomic and social indicator data related to developing countries that are members of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

  19. DBUN data
  20. You can collectively search and download statistics data created by specialized agencies of the United Nations and others.

  21. DBUNESCO Institute for Statistics
  22. The site of the official statistical agency of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). You can search and use the data of UNESCO member states, etc.

  23. DBWorld Bank Open Data
  24. The World Bank provides data on changes in the structure of production, trade, and demand, as well as macroeconomic conditions in more than 200 countries and regions.

  25. DBWorld Development Indicators
  26. The World Bank provides a database of development indicators based on official data from international organizations and others.

  27. DBWTO Trade and tariff data
  28. The World Trade Organization provides a database on economic and trade policies to search and obtain data on transaction values, tariffs, trade flows, and more.

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