Nagoya University Graduare School of International Development Library

Managing search results

This section introduces useful bibliographic management tools.

NUDBContract web tools by Nagoya University. Some require authentication with the THERS account.
DBFree tools. Available without THERS account authentication.

    Managing search results

  1. NUDBEndNote Online
  2. You can register this web-based tool for the institutional version from Web of Science. After graduation from Nagoya University, you can continue to be a downgraded user of the free version.

  3. NUDBMendeley
  4. You can register this web-based tool for the institutional version via Campus Network (NICE). After graduation from Nagoya University, you will be downgraded to the free version.

  5. NUDBRefWorks ( - March 31, 2025)
  6. You can register this web-based tool using the THERS e-mail address. You cannot use it after graduation.

  7. DBZotero
  8. A free tool that must be installed on your PC.

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