Nagoya University Graduare School of International Development Library

Searching materials

This section introduces useful web tools for searching books, articles, newspapers, dissertations, and publications for writing and research.

NUDBContract database by Nagoya University. Authentication with THERS account is required.
DBFree database, materials. It is available online anywhere.

    Books and journals of Nagoya University Library (including ej & ebook)

  1. DBNagoya University Library Search (OPAC)
  2. You can search books and journals of all the library in Nagoya University, and reserve books or InterLibrary loan request. By switching tabs, you can also check the holdings of books and journals of other universities in Japan.

  3. DBSearch for E-Journals & E-Books
  4. You can search for paid e-journals and e-books by publication title or ISSN/ISBN and follow the links to access them free of charge.

    Cross-search databases of electronic resources

  5. NUDBEBSCOhost
  6. It is a comprehensive database focusing on journal articles, and you can search only specific databases such as EconLit and ERIC, or search multiple databases at once. Many full-text articles and e-books are also included.   [Tutorial site]

  7. NUDBProQuest
  8. The common platform of databases for various styles of literature (journal articles, newspaper articles, doctoral dissertations, electronic books, etc.), and allows searches focused on specialized databases such as ERIC, Dissertations & Theses, etc. It contains a lot of full-text information.   [Tutorial site]

  9. NUDBScopus
  10. This database contains many peer-reviewed journal articles (including abstracts) published in academic journals and their citation information.   [Tutorial site]

  11. NUDBSustainable Development Goals Online
  12. This database contains books and papers published by Taylor & Francis on the theme of SDGs, in addition to teaching materials such as presentations and case studies.   [User's guide (pdf)]

  13. NUDBWeb of SCIENCE
  14. This database contains a large number of peer-reviewed bibliography (including abstracts) and their citation information published in academic journals. The core journals are selected for inclusion based on their impact on the field.   [Tutorial site]

    Books and journals of other libraries

  15. DBCiNii Books
  16. It uses the same source as the OPAC search in the "Other Univ" tab, but allows you to narrow down holdings by prefecture or region and easily export to bibliographic management tools.

  17. DBNDL Search
  18. You can search the holdings of the National Diet Library and prefectural libraries at once.

  19. DBIDE Library
  20. You can search the collection of the Institute of Developing Economies Library. The collection of academic literature in various fields, mainly on developing regions' economies, politics, and societies.
     * Click here for procedures for visiting.

  21. DBWorldCat
  22. You can search the collections of university libraries and national libraries around the world at once.

    Searching for articles

  23. DBCiNii Research
  24. You can find academic papers, journal articles, and doctoral dissertations in academic society journals and bulletins published in Japan. An integrated search is also possible, including books, research data, and project information.

  25. NUDBEBSCOhost
  26. It is a comprehensive database focusing on journal articles, and you can search only specific databases such as EconLit and ERIC, or search multiple databases at once. Many full-text articles and e-books are also included.   [Tutorial site]

  27. DBGoogle Scholar
  28. Quickly search for academic materials available on the Web. If you set up a library link on the site and access the on-campus or Remote Access page, you can access articles subscribed to by Nagoya University Library.

  29. DBJ-Stage
  30. You can search more than 3,000 journals, conference proceedings, etc., mainly published by academic societies in Japan, and find many papers, articles, etc., that are free.

  31. NUDBProQuest
  32. The common platform of databases for various styles of literature (journal articles, newspaper articles, doctoral dissertations, electronic books, etc.), and allows searches focused on specialized databases such as ERIC, Dissertations & Theses, etc. It contains a lot of full-text information.   [Tutorial site]

  33. NUDBScopus
  34. This database contains many peer-reviewed journal articles (including abstracts) published in academic journals and their citation information.   [Tutorial site]

  35. NUDBWeb of Science
  36. This database contains a large number of peer-reviewed bibliography (including abstracts) and their citation information published in academic journals. The core journals are selected for inclusion based on their impact on the field.   [Tutorial site]

    Searching for newspaper articles

  37. DBNewspapers
  38. List of databases that can be searched and browsed four Japanese newspapers (Asahi, Mainichi, Yomiuri, Chunichi, and Nikkei) and major overseas newspapers.

  39. NUDBThe Japan Times Archives
  40. TYou can search The Japan Times articles in full text (except for the last 1-2 years).

  41. NUDBProQuest Central (International Newsstream, etc.)
  42. The database allows you to search and browse articles published in major newspapers worldwide (e.g., New York Times, Financial times).

    Searching for dissertations and theses

  43. DBNAGOYA Repository (+GSID)
  44. Doctoral dissertations awarded at Nagoya University in 2013 and after are listed. The GSID doctoral dissertations can be found here.
    GSID Library holds GSID doctoral dissertations (print) awarded before March 2013 and can be searched through the OPAC.

  45. DBCiNii Dissertations
  46. This database allows you to search for doctoral dissertations awarded in Japan.

  47. DBGlobal ETD Search
  48. Search service is a free service to find electronic theses and dissertations from around the world. Full-text access to the dissertation may not be available.

  49. NUDBProQuest Dissertations and Thesis A&I
  50. You can search for many doctoral dissertations and master's theses awarded at universities worldwide. It's not able to view the full text of the theses.

    Searching for publications of public institutions


  51. DBIRDB(Institutional Repositories DataBase)
  52. Database service that collects and provides metadata of contents registered in academic institutional repositories in Japan.

  53. DBJICA Library Catalog
  54. You can search and download reports issued by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency).

  55. DBInstitute of Developing Economies Publications
  56. You can search and download the research output of the Institute of Developing Economies.

    International organizations

  57. DBADB Publications and Documents
  58. This site allows you to search and obtain Asian Development Bank (ADB) publications.

  59. DBAPO Publications Archive
  60. This site allows you to search and obtain Asian Productivity Organization (APO) publications.

  61. DBFAO Publications
  62. You can search and obtain publications, official documents, and technical reports of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

  63. DBIMF Publications
  64. This site allows you to search and obtain International Monetary Fund publications (IMF).

  65. DBLabordoc
  66. The International Labour Organization's (ILO) institutional repository, provides access to hundreds of thousands of ILO publications.

  67. NUDBOECD Library
  68. Online library of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring its books, papers, podcasts, and statistics.

  69. DBOfficial Document System of the United Nations
  70. This database contains UN documents issued since 1993, including all documents of the Security Council, and the General Assembly, as well as administrative issuances and other documents.

  71. DBUN Comtrade Database
  72. This site allows you to search and obtain world trade statistics compiled by the United Nations Statistics Division.

  74. A searchable database for official documents and publications, such as the General Conference and the Executive Board produced by UNESCO.

  75. DBUnited Nations Digital Library
  76. This site allows you to search for materials such as publications and maps created by the United Nations, as well as records such as voting data and speeches.

  78. The digital library contains the full text of World Health Organization (WHO) publications and technical information since 1948.

  79. DBWorld Bank Open Knowledge Repository
  80. This site allows you to search and obtain World Bank Group publications.

  82. The database provides access to the official documentation of the World Trade Organization.

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